Emotional Intelligence: the conversation we will be having

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While it is little discussed today, in the coming decade the prominent topic among businesses will be the paramount importance of emotional intelligence for a company’s success. In an era of rampant technological growth, skills are becoming commoditized. To do business, we must know how to talk to one another. Poor communication and negative comments undeniably make our companies move slower. Likewise we can not afford to move slowly in an age of fast technological growth. When we move slowly, we lose to our competitors. Emotional intelligence (EI) is essential not only externally for your customers but also internally for how your company does business.
Employees with high emotional intelligence determine your company’s success by navigating the complexities of relationships and collaborating. EI is a crucial asset in a team environment and leaders with high emotional intelligence are better able to inspire and motivate their teams. This allows them to solve challenges and understand their team’s emotions while keeping a positive and
effective work environment.
Emotionally intelligent leaders are also better at managing their stress and helping others around them cope with theirs. In fast-paced environments, conflicts will inevitably arise, and emotionally intelligent people understand their own emotions and those of others. This leads to more constructive and positive resolutions in personal and professional conflicts. Ultimately, business gets done, and objectives are achieved due to emotionally intelligent leadership.
There are several telling signs of whether your business could use more EI leadership. Suppose your company has high turnover rates, frequent conflicts that blame rather than seek solutions, or lacks employee recognition. In such cases, your company may want to look deeper into implementing a new approach. Additional signs are businesses focusing solely on profit at the expense of employee satisfaction, a need for more inclusivity and collaboration across levels, and resistance to employee feedback. These are all indicators that incorporating fresh EI leadership can help implement the changes necessary to foster a supportive work environment.
An emotionally intelligent leader is responsible for knowing the culture of your company. Often, this person is the leader of Human Resources, also known as the “Heart” of the company.
Great leaders ultimately create a culture of trust and determine the company’s success. Key factors in creating EI-centric leadership are:

Authenticity: Be genuine and honest to everyone. Pay less attention to what you think people want to hear and give more attention to what you need to say. A leader is not expected to know all the answers— and they welcome comments and ideas. Allowing an environment for fresh perspectives helps build an authentic team.
Clear Communication: Most problems concerning communication are not about what the person is actually trying to say but rather how they are saying it. Always start with your point in a crisp, clear sentence, then make supporting statements.
Attentive Listening to Others: Empathy is an action and to progress we need all ideas and insight to navigate challenges.
Total Devotion: Empower your people by having high standards for their work while showing your dedication to their success. Your team needs to know your expectations clearly and know you have their back. Striking an even balance is essential.
Adopt a Forward-Thinking Mindset: If you are not changing, you will soon be behind. Top companies constantly plan their future needs and brace themselves for change. A successful leader should ask questions, listen intently, and be open to feedback and innovation. (S)He recognizes that the best innovative ideas often happen during times of crisis and that adaptation is critical to keeping an organization forward-facing.
A leader’s job is to create an environment for people to become extraordinarily effective and perform at full capacity and power. You must aim to do so daily when with them and prepare for when you’re not around.
If someone in your company is constantly planting seeds of politics and negativity, it’s time to replace them for the sake of your company. Instead, you want to continually build an excellent positive culture and empower your people through a foundation of trust. Doing so will set up your organization for optimal performance and a leadership legacy that will have a positive ripple effect for future generations.

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