Argentina accepts equivalencies from other countries for active ingredients in pesticides.

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The National Service of Agrifood Health and Quality (Senasa), through Resolution 694/2024 published today in the Official Gazette, accepts equivalencies from third countries for chemical or biochemical active ingredients of pesticides. This measure is part of the national zoophytosanitary agency’s deregulation and simplification plan.

The regulation establishes the conditions and requirements to request the recognition of equivalency for technical-grade active ingredients approved by the competent authorities of the United States, Mexico, European Union, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil, which are considered to have high sanitary and phytosanitary standards.

Thus, equivalency will be recognized in cases where the technical-grade active ingredient to be registered comes from the same manufacturing facility and has the same or higher minimum purity as that registered in the mentioned countries.

This is the first step in a process that will include other areas of Senasa and is part of the work being carried out with the Secretariat of Simplification of the Cabinet Chief of Ministers to consolidate the regulatory framework of the agency, clarify the regulations, improve efficiency, simplify procedures, and reduce management times.

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