DPH Biologicals, a leading developer and supplier of agricultural biologicals, has launched Envelix™ Prime, a patented biological nutrient enhancer designed to uniformly cover bulk dry fertiliser, delivering a robust biological consortium paired with fertiliser in a single application.
Envelix Prime contains beneficial bacterial and fungal microorganisms designed to accelerate and maximise fertility release using a patented carrier to adhere microorganisms to the fertiliser prill. In a tissue sample taken from a 2023 corn trial at the V3 leaf stage, Envelix Prime increased nutrient uptake of several macro and micronutrients when applied to MESZ fertilizer, including:
An 18% increase in phosphorus,
A 10% increase in sulfur.
A 9% increase in boron.
An 8% increase in copper.
Envelix Prime is DPH Bio’s first product to be powered by Prime™, a one-of-a-kind, patented spore priming technology that germinates beneficial bacteria faster, and in harsher conditions, enabling more consistent biological performance. In a recent corn trial, Prime enabled more than 70% of spores to germinate at temperatures as high as 98.6 degrees, while those without Prime germinated less than 10%. Additionally, nearly all spores with Prime germinated in high salt environments, while those that were not treated with Prime did not germinate.
Envelix Prime mixes seamlessly with MAP, DAP & Urea, offering improved flowability and less bridging at application.
Read The Full Article Here – DPH Biologicals
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