Invaio Sciences and Louis Dreyfus Company Forge Three-Year Partnership to Tackle Citrus Greening in Brazil

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In a joint announcement, Invaio Sciences (Invaio) and Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) reveal a strategic three-year collaboration aimed at addressing a key challenge in Brazil’s citrus sector. Focused on enhancing sustainability, the partnership targets the escalating issue of citrus greening disease, or Huanglongbing (HLB), transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid. With resistance mounting in Brazil against conventional crop protection products, urgent solutions are required to curb further losses in citrus farms.

The collaboration leverages Invaio’s proprietary technology, Trecise™, and LDC’s citrus farming expertise. Their combined efforts aim to mitigate citrus greening disease while concurrently improving crop quality, yield, and longevity on LDC-managed farms in Brazil. The overarching objective is to optimize citrus crop cultivation practices, promoting sustainability through efficient resource management, including water, inputs, fuel, and ensuring greater traceability in grove treatments.

Invaio’s recent introduction of its Trecise™ application technology in Florida, US, serves as a testament to its potential. This innovative solution not only enhances citrus health but also achieves a remarkable reduction of up to 90% in chemical usage, thereby significantly minimizing environmental impact and reducing exposure for workers.


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