DPH Biologicals Redefines Agricultural Innovation with BioAgonomics™ Approach

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DPH Biologicals, based in Houston, Texas, announced at the 2024 Commodity Classic agricultural trade show its commitment to advancing the understanding of the value of biologicals in agriculture. Mick Messman, President and CEO, emphasized their science-driven approach and unveiled plans for a multi-year initiative to quantify the comprehensive benefits of biological solutions. They aim to go beyond simply measuring yield increases, focusing on factors such as soil health, water efficiency, disease control, and overall farm sustainability.

Their recent analysis of 107 corn trials showed not only a 2.5 bushels per acre yield increase with TerraTrove SP-1 Classic but also improved fertilizer efficiency. To capture the full value proposition of biologicals, DPH Biologicals introduced the concept of “BioAgonomics™,” which examines the connection between agronomic practices and the unique benefits provided by biologicals. This approach seeks to deliver sustainable profitability across the agricultural supply chain, encompassing growers, retailers, advisors, manufacturers, and food companies.

An example highlighted was TerraTrove Residuce Complete, which not only increases yield and fertilizer savings but also accelerates the breakdown of crop residue, providing additional nutrients to the soil. DPH Biologicals also emphasized the importance of considering factors like seedling emergence, equipment wear and tear, disease management, and carbon retention in assessing the full value of biologicals.

Collaborations with trusted advisors and ongoing research, including partnerships with the University of Illinois, will continue to enhance understanding and quantify the broader benefits of biological solutions. DPH Biologicals aims to empower growers with a comprehensive view of their investment in biologicals, encompassing both agronomic and economic aspects.

Growers attending Commodity Classic are encouraged to visit DPH Bio at Booth 6945 for more information, and the company plans to host workshops and webinars to further engage with the agricultural community.

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