Pivot Bio Advocates For Sustainable Ag In Farm Bill Process

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Pivot Bio has been engaging in the Farm Bill process to ensure that the reauthorisation recognises the value of sustainable farming practices and technologies.
Pivot Bio is pleased that the outline released by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow supports the increased adoption of new technologies, including microbial nitrogen, that will allow growers to continue to feed the world sustainably. We thank the Chairwoman – and the bipartisan group of Senators leading the Streamlining Conservation Practice Standards Act of 2023 – for acknowledging the importance of aligning federal policy with the latest science and technology.
These innovations are important tools for climate friendly on-farm solutions that are available and being used by thousands of growers today. We look forward to working with the Senate and House Agriculture Committees to ensure the next Farm Bill includes these important changes and future-focused solutions.
Read The Full Article Here – Pivot bio

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