Pursell Biodegradable Coating Paves Way For Sustainable Fertilizer Innovation

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Pursell has filed a non-provisional patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to protect Intellectual Property related to its biodegradable coating components and application process. The company is currently in end-stage research and development of a novel coating technology that will enable commercialization of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) products meeting European Union (EU) biodegradability standards.
Pursell’s patented, lower-temperature coating process enables the incorporation and survival of best-in-breed biostimulants and microbes. This unique capability allows Pursell to deliver a biodegradable CRF product with nutrient uptake, and a biostimulant package, tailored to a crop’s specific needs.
Application of Pursell biofortified, biodegradable CRF products will not require growers to change their standard growing practices and will help them achieve:
  • Increased plant and soil health
  • Higher yields and crop quality
  • Substantial sustainability benefits through minimization of nutrient leaching into waterways, GHG emissions and volatilizationRead the Full Article here – Pursell

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