Author: Giuseppe Natale
Giuseppe’s “To The Point”: Money is More Than Just Money
The Added Value of Investors by Giuseppe Natale, Former CEO, Co-Founder and Board Member, Valagro (Syngenta Biologicals) Money is more than just money when it comes to bringing an investor into your company’s capital. This process involves a series of strategic, operational, and relational considerations that go far beyond the financial aspect. Here are some…
Giuseppe to the Point
The agricultural industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by a growing emphasis on sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. One of the key drivers of this change is the adoption of biological inputs, such as biopesticides and biostimulants. Biofertilizers are still somehow behind, but I’m sure not far from now biofertilizers will be on the…
Natale’s To The Point
The Agriculture of the future comes back to the past: a look at the EU paradox Giuseppe Natale I am lucky to be born in Italy, one of the founding countries of the European community. I love Europe for all it represents in terms of values, culture, style, and quality of life. At the same…